Already in the 1980th I observed variable stars at the Starkenburg Observatory Heppenheim, see articles of Nova Aquilae from german magazine Sterne und Weltraum (1982) and the german newspaper (1985).
Almost four decades later, on 2019-07-26, I discovered a variable star with the Calar Alto Schmidt Telescope (funded by ESA). After further investigations it turned out, that it is the first known eclipsing stream-fed intermediate polar, a long sought star system.
- For detailed informations -> V6609 Sgr alias J1832.4-1627
Since 2020 I am registered observer (individual code EERA) of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO). The following lightcurves I have submitted to the database of the AAVSO:
-> 000-BNG-512 on 2020-05-25 cataclysmic DQ Herculis type, dwarf star rotation recorded
-> EP Dra on 2020-05-30 cataclysmic AM Herculis type, eclipsing recorded
- Important astronomical Data services:
AAVSO report new variable star
Julianisches Datum converter from AAVSO
Variable Star in cds-portal
International Variable Star Index, VSX. of the AAVSO
Julianisches Datum converter from NAB
PanSTARRS-1 Image Access
General Catalogue of Variable Stars GCVS
Strasbourg astronomical Data Center CDS
Sloan Digital Sky Survey SDSS
DECam legacy survey
The Catalina Surveys Data Release 2 (CSDR2)
Sky Patrol All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae
Eastman Converter Barycentric Julian Date
- Important astronomical Data services:
- Software for Photometry:
ImageJ (free of charge) Download / Manual / Plugin for Astronomy
- Software for Photometry: