Minor planet discoveries at the Tzec Maun Observatories
From October 2008 to April 2011 I had access to the remote-controlled Teleskopes of the Tzec Maun Foundation in USA and Australia. In that time I became the observer with the most minor planets discoveries of all users. Already on the first days of using I discovered the minor planet (342277). The first Tzec Maun discovery to be numbered was (207901) to which I gave the Name Tzecmaun in honor to the foundation.
The teleskopes which I used for the discoveries
- Telescope in Moorook (D96), South Australia: Takahashi TOA-150 f/7.3 Refractor with camera STL-6303
- Teleskop in Mayhill, USA (H10) 35cm Maksutov-Newtonian f/3.8 Reflektor mit ST-10XME
discoveries of all observers at the Tzec Maun Observatories,
(included are the Minor Planets until number 612011, MPCircular 2022 Febr. 21.)
- List of my own discoveries at Tzec Maun, data extracted from Minor Planet Center
- List of all users discoveries at Tzec Maun, data extracted from Minor Planet Center
My following Tzec Maun discoveries have been named:
(207901) Tzecmaun, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(216433) Milianleo, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(241418) Darmstadt, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(243536) Mannheim, discovered at Moorook, Australia
(263932) Speyer, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(264020) Stuttgart, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(274835) Aachen, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(301061) Egelsbach, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(301394) Bensheim, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(316042) Tilofranz, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(325558) Guyane, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(328477) Eckstein, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(336698) Melbourne, discovered at Moorook, Australia
(376084) Annettepeter, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(378917) Stefankarge, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(379155) Volkerheinrich, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(458063) Gustavomuler, discovered at Mayhill, USA
(389293) Hasubick, discovered at Mayhill, USA