Asteroid Tzecmaun

I would like to thank the Tzec Maun Foundation for the possibility to use their Telescopes in USA and Australia. Therefore I proposed the Name Tzecmaun for my discovery with the Number 207901.

The naming was published on 2009 April 9th in Minor Planet Circular # 65714 as follows:

(207901) Tzecmaun = 2008 US91
   Discovered 2008 Oct. 28 by E. Schwab at Tzec Maun.

   The Tzec Maun Foundation provides free access to remote-controlled
telescopes.  Pronounced „Teh-Zeck-Moan“, the name is one of the words used by the ancient Mayan people for the planet Mercury.  This is the first minor planet discovered at an observatory of the Tzec Maun Foundation to be numbered.

Teleskop in Mayhill, USA (H10) 35cm Maksutov-Newtonian f/3.8 Reflektor mit ST-10XME

Teleskop in Mayhill, USA (H10)
35cm Maksutov-Newtonian f/3.8 Reflektor mit ST-10XME

external links about  (207901) Tzecmaun:

bullet (207901) Tzecmaun = 2008 US91 @ JPL – NASA
bullet (207901) Tzecmaun = 2008 US91 @