File Date | timespan JD UT | remarks YYYYMMDD 20190726 2458691.3753820 - 2458691.5371180 Eclipse -> ingress only, DISCOVERY NIGHT 20190727 2458692.4170370 - 2458692.4954510 WD-Rotation 20190729 2458694.3753700 - 2458694.4954510 Eclipse -> ingress and egress (ingress in minimum of WD-Rotation) 20190730 2458695.3753700 - 2458695.4954510 WD-Rotation 20190731 2458696.3753700 - 2458696.4954510 WD-Rotation 20190801 2458697.3753700 - 2458697.4954280 Eclipse ingress and egress (with gap in egress) 20190803 2458699.3753700 - 2458699.5371180 LOW STATE 20190804 2458700.3753820 - 2458700.5371300 LOW STATE 20190819 2458715.3753820 - 2458715.4954280 WD-Rotation 20190828 2458724.3337040 - 2458724.4311570 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20191007 2458764.2920370 - 2458764.3732520 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20191008 2458765.2920370 - 2458765.3732520 WD-Rotation 20200521 2458991.5420280 - 2458991.6178820 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20200524 2458994.5420300 - 2458994.6178880 WD-Rotation 20200526 2458996.5420290 - 2458996.5780490 WD-Rotation 20200528 2458998.5420340 - 2458998.6179190 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20200619 2459020.5003880 - 2459020.5762760 INTERMEDIATE STATE 20200620 2459021.5003950 - 2459021.5839300 INTERMEDIATE STATE 20200621 2459022.4587070 - 2459022.5805670 WD-Rotation - INTERMEDIATE STATE 20200622 2459023.4587060 - 2459023.5805780 WD-Rotation - INTERMEDIATE STATE 20200625 2459026.4586940 - 2459026.5805410 WD-Rotation - INTERMEDIATE STATE 20200627 2459028.4586970 - 2459028.5805680 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20200814 2459076.4193340 - 2459076.4530650 WD-Rotation 20200816 2459078.3913150 - 2459078.4530820 Eclipse -> egress only 20200817 2459079.4587000 - 2459079.4947270 Eclipse -> ingress only 20200818 2459080.4170290 - 2459080.4530660 WD-Rotation 20210501 2459336.6253630 - 2459336.6744290 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20210511 2459346.6045320 - 2459346.6628220 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20210521 2459356.5420340 - 2459356.6332670 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20210607 2459373.5004200 - 2459373.6300190 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20210611 2459377.5004210 - 2459377.6200490 WD-Rotation 20210613 2459379.5004310 - 2459379.5762960 Eclipse -> ingress and egress 20210808 2459435.3753720 - 2459435.4896340 INTERMEDIATE STATE 20210809 2459436.3753650 - 2459436.4944590 Eclipse -> ingress and egress (with gap in ingress) INTERMEDIATE STATE Files can be downloaded here: Tif-Animations Results as excel, analized by E. Schwab Results as txt(tabstop separated), analized by E. Schwab Grafik as pdf